A list of my publications by approximate topic. See also Google Scholar.
Van Parys, B.P.G. (2024). “Efficient data-driven optimization with noisy data “. In: Operations Research Letters. Link
Sutter, T., B.P.G. Van Parys, and D. Kuhn (2023). “A general framework for optimal data-driven optimization”. In: Operations Research. Link
Bennouna, M.A. and B.P.G. Van Parys (2022). “Holistic robust data-driven decisions”. In: Mathematical Programming. Submitted. Finalist for 2023 INFORMS Data Mining Best Paper Award Competition. Link
Wang, I., C. Becker, B.P.G. Van Parys, and B. Stellato (2022). “Mean robust Optimization”. In: Mathematical Programming. Major Revision. Won the 2022 INFORMS Computing Society Student Paper Prize. Link
Bennouna, M.A. and B.P.G. Van Parys (2022). “Learning and decision-making with data: Optimal formulations and phase transitions”. In: Mathematical Programming. Major Revision. Won the ORC Best Student Paper Award 2022. Link .
Bertsimas, D. and B.P.G. Van Parys (2022). “Bootstrap robust prescriptive analytics”. In: Mathematical Programming 195, pp. 39–78. Link
Van Parys, B.P.G., P.M. Esfahani, and D. Kuhn (2017). “From data to decisions: Distributionally robust optimization is optimal”. In: Management Science 67.6, pp. 3387–3402. Link
Van Parys, B.P.G., P.J. Goulart, and M. Morari (2019). “Distributionally robust expectation inequalities for structured distributions”. In: Mathematical Programming 173.1-2, pp. 251–280. Link
Van Parys, B.P.G., P.J. Goulart, and D. Kuhn (2016). “Generalized Gauss inequalities via semidefinite programming”. In: Mathematical Programming 156.1-2. Finalist George Nicholson student paper competition, pp. 271–302. Link
Liu, Z., B.P.G. Van Parys, and H. Lam (2023). “Smoothing $f$-divergence distributionally robust optimization: Rate optimality and complexity independence”. In: Mathematical Programming. Submitted. Link
Bennouna, M.A., R. Lucas, and B.P.G. Van Parys (2023). “Certified robust neural networks: Generalization and corruption resistance”. In: International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pp. 2092–2112. Won the Best Student Paper Award at 2023 INFORMS Data Science Workshop, Runner up Best Data Science Paper Award at the 2023 INFORMS Annual Meeting. Link
Bertsimas, D., J. Pauphilet, and B.P.G. Van Parys (2021). “Sparse classification: a Scalable discrete optimization perspective”. In: Machine Learning 110.11, pp. 3177–3209. Link
Bertsimas, D. and B.P.G. Van Parys (2020a). “Sparse hierarchical regression with polynomials”. In: Machine Learning 109.5, pp. 973–997. Link
Bertsimas, D., J. Pauphilet, and B.P.G. Van Parys (2020). “Sparse regression: Scalable algorithms and empirical performance”. In: Statistical Science 35.4, pp. 555–578. Link
Bertsimas, D. and B.P.G. Van Parys (2020b). “Sparse high-dimensional regression: Exact scalable algorithms and phase transitions”. In: Annals of Statistics 48.1, pp. 300–323. Link
Stellato, B., B.P.G. Van Parys, and P.J. Goulart (2017). “Multivariate Chebyshev inequality with estimated mean and variance”. In: The American Statistician 71.2, pp. 123–127. Link
Van Parys, B.P.G. and N. Golreaei (2023). “Optimal learning for structured bandits”. In: Management Science. Accepted. Link
Van Parys, B.P.G. and M.A. Bennouna (2022). “Robust Two-Stage Optimization with Covariate Data”. Working paper. Link
Van Parys, B.P.G., D. Kuhn, P.J. Goulart, and M. Morari (2016). “Distributionally robust control of constrained stochastic systems”. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61.2, pp. 430–442. Link
Van Parys, B.P.G., P.J. Goulart, and M. Morari (2013). “Infinite horizon performance bounds for uncertain constrained systems”. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 58.11, pp. 2803-2817. Link
Van Parys, B.P.G., P.J. Goulart, and M. Morari (2012). “Performance bounds for min-max uncertain constrained systems”. In: IFAC conference on NMPC. Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, pp. 107–112. Link
Van Parys, B.P.G., P.J. Goulart, and M. Morari (2012). “Infinite-horizon performance bounds for constrained stochastic systems”. In: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Maui, Hawaii, USA, pp. 2171–2176. Link
Das Gupta, S., B.P.G. Van Parys, and E.K. Ryu (2023). “Branch-and-bound performance estimation programming: A unified methodology for construction optimal optimization methods”. In: Mathematical Programming. Appeared also in Quanta Magazine. Link
Das Gupta, S., B. Stellato, and B.P.G. Van Parys (2022). “Exterior-point optimization for nonconvex learning”. In: SIAM Journal of Optimization. Submitted. Link
Das Gupta, S., B.P.G. Van Parys, J. Kevin Tobin (2023). “Energy-optimal Timetable Design for Sustainable Metro Railway Networks”. In: Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. Submitted. Link
Roald, L., F. Oldewurtel, B.P.G. Van Parys, and G. Anderson (2015). “Security constrained optimal power flow with distributionally robust chance constraints”. Technical Report. Link
Van Parys, B.P.G., B.-F. Ng, P.J. Goulart, and R. Palacios (2014). “Optimal control for load alleviation in wind turbines”. In: 32nd ASME Wind Energy Symposium. National Harbor, Maryland, USA. Link